Monitoring, Data Capturing & Analysis

Our data-capturing process is integral to our mission, occurring 6 and 12 months after the cedar saplings have been planted. Afterwards, monitoring is conducted on a yearly basis to obtain valuable data for management. We engage volunteers or researchers to assist in collecting essential information from designated transect sites.

Before planting, these transect sites are carefully plotted to encompass diverse environmental variables, including moisture levels, temperature ranges, and soil types. By strategically selecting these locations, we aim to gain insights into the survival rates of cedar saplings across different conditions.

Driving Cedar Conservation Forward with Data: Capture, Analyze, Adapt, and Achieve with Sustainable Ceder.

This systematic approach allows us to monitor the percentage of cedar saplings that have survived, identify areas exhibiting higher success rates, and analyze the underlying factors contributing to these variations. Through meticulous data collection and analysis, we aim to uncover patterns and correlations, informing our planting strategies and conservation efforts.

Furthermore, our data-capturing initiatives offer valuable opportunities for university researchers to engage in collaborative research endeavors. Beyond monitoring cedar sapling survival rates, this platform provides a springboard for conducting additional research on various aspects of cedar ecology and conservation, fostering a broader understanding of these invaluable ecosystems.